Higher Heights Christian Academy
School of Fine Arts
1647 Cottage Grove Ave.
Ford Heights, IL. 60411
Student Handbook
Pastor LaDell Jones
Adelia Jones
“Leaping for Higher Heights while providing quality education at a Higher Level.”
The mission of Higher Heights Christian Academy School of Fine Arts is to train students in the Christian way of life, and give a sound academic foundation that is challenging with an emphasis on character training and training in the “Fine Arts” at a progressive pace. Higher Heights will achieve its mission by displaying and evangelizing Christ in word and deed in every area of their educational experience; by offering a curriculum that lays and builds on a sound academic foundation; and by providing skilled instruction in the fine arts on different levels from discovery to skilled.
Higher Heights Christian Academy is governed by the Temple of Praise Binding Loosing Ministries. All policies and procedures are set forth by the Temple of Praise Binding Loosing Ministries and Higher Heights Christian Academy administrative board.
Notice of the nondiscriminatory policy: The HHCA recruits and admits qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation to all rights, privileges, programs and activities of the school. The school will not discriminate on the basis of race, olor, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender disability, or sexual orientation in administration of its educational policies, scholarships, loans, tuition remission, fee waivers, educational programs, athletics, or extracurricular activities. The School will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation in the hiring of its certified or non certified personnel.
Higher Heights Christian Academy governance is responsible for ensuring that these discrimination policies are followed.
As a private institution, Higher Heights C.A.S.F.A. reserves the right to set and maintain its own standards for entrance including academics, student conduct, and dress code.
A registration fee and an entrance exam/screening are required. The registration fee is non-refundable. An entrance exam will be administered prior to final enrollment at the discretion of the administration.
The registration process for the following school year evaluates each student’s academic performance, behavior, attendance, and tardy record. Any student that has a Grade Point Average of less than 2.0 in K-8th grades, has five or more Detentions, and/or has had one or more suspensions, will be placed on review for the upcoming year.
Students not meeting the minimum requirement may be denied re-admittance to the school.
Students that have been expelled will not be readmitted.
Students with special needs that we are not able to service will be referred to their public school.
Account balances from the previous year must be zero before a child can be registered for the following school year . Registration begins in
May for returning students. Registration forms must be filled out completely and turned in to the office with the non-refundable registration fee.
Children must be 5 years old by September 1st to enroll in K5 and 6 years old by September 1st to enter (1st) first grade. No exceptions.
Student Records
Certified copies of transfer students’ records are requested within 14 days of enrollment; the school sends unofficial records of students transferring to other schools within 10 days of request.
Before complying with any record request for current or former student records:
cross reference with Illinois State Police for missing persons database flagged records and report to authorities
HHCA procedures for current or former students reported as a missing person by the Illinois State Police.
HHCA shall enter all efforts made to locate the child into the child location report section of “
SACWIS” by the end of each business week. In addition to possible efforts listed below, HHCA shall review the child’s “SACWIS” record and paper file for historical information that could be helpful in locating the child and document the results of the review. If HHCA obtains information that may assist in locating the missing child, HHCA shall immediately report the information to the local police, sheriff’s office or law enforcement agency. HHCA will voluntarily partner with law enforcement, broadcasts and the national weather service to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child abduction cases.
(1-800-843-5763) missing@isp.state.il.us
NOTE: Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System
Students are expected to be in attendance daily during the entire 176 day school year. If your child will be absent, please contact the office. Perfect attendance and one day absent awards will be given at the end of each semester.
Students who are tardy more than (3) three times per semester will not be eligible for attendance awards.
Students are responsible for maintaining their textbooks in a reasonable fashion. Students will be charged for the replacement of any books lost during the school year. The student’s name should be written in all books and on all school supplies. It is important for each child to have their supplies ready and labeled for the first day of school.
Each student will receive a student planner at the beginning of the year, there will be a replacement cost for all lost or damaged planners.
Students damaging any school property or equipment will be asked to make restitution and may be considered for dismissal. The parent or guardian of the student is liable for all damages caused by the student.
BUS BEHAVIOR (Field Trips Only)
Parents are required to notify the office if there is a change of address, telephone number, or persons authorized or denied to pick up your child. It is your responsibility, for the safety of your child, to keep these names and phone numbers current. If you list someone as denied pick up, the school must have a legal document stating such or the school cannot assume responsibility.
Students will attend chapel each Friday. Grade appropriate chapels will be led by a school appointed Chaplain, peers and teachers. Students must be in their formal school uniforms: white dress tops with ties and girls should wear their skirts or jumpers.
The classroom code is in effect in all classes and with all teachers. Each child should memorize this code, and parents should remind their child that they expect them to uphold this code daily.
I WIll:
Sign-up sheets may be sent home for Holiday parties. Birthdays may be celebrated if parents send cupcakes and/or individual ice cream cups (please no cake) for the entire class. Notify teachers ahead of time if you intend to do this.
Do not send “private” birthday invitations to school unless you plan to invite every student in the class.
Higher Heights C.A.S.F.A. uses the ABeka Curriculum from Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. This curriculum was developed in 1974 and is the most widely used Christian School curriculum in existence today.
Higher Heights C.A.S.F.A. will not tolerate any form of physical violence, intimidation, or harassment of any kind.
It is our goal to maintain a peaceful and safe environment where learning can take place and a teacher’s day is not consumed with behavior problems.
We expect parents to cooperate by taking the time to talk with their children concerning proper behavior at school.
If, at any time, a student’s behavior or attitude indicates an uncooperative spirit or one that is out of harmony with the spirit and standards of Higher Heights C.A.S.F.A. whether or not there is any definite breach of conduct, the student may be requested to transfer. The disciplinary procedures are as follows:
3. Any student who shows serious or repeated behavioral problems during the school day,
or at any school-sponsored activity will be issued a SUSPENSION. Parents will be financially responsible to cover the cost of $25 to hire supervision for the detention. Detention guidelines are as follows: a. The Detention slip must be signed by a parent and returned to the student’s
Teacher the next school day with scheduled detention date.
b. The student must attend the entire assigned time.
c. The student must complete all work assigned for the Detention.
d. The student will comply with instructions given by the teacher supervising the
Detention time.
e. Failure to comply with the Detention guidelines may result in an additional
Detention being issued or suspension.
4. Detentions are cumulative throughout the current school year. Any student who receives
FIVE or more Detentions will be placed in the review process for the following school
5. Three Detentions will result in a one-day suspension.
Social Media
Higher Heights Christian Academy does not allow any form of social media on school grounds. In the event a student violates this policy and causes disruptions, bullying, harm, or anything of the kind to the school environment, teachers and administration can carry out an investigation.
A Higher Heights administrator or teacher will conduct an investigation or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is sufficient evidence to suggest the student’s social network account violates the school’s disciplinary policy. HHCA may request that content be shared in an investigation but not the students username and password.
HHCA Firearms, Drugs Battery & Student Information Reporting System
Reporting drug-related incidents at HHCA. Upon receipt of any written, electronic, or verbal report from any HHCA school personnel regarding a verified incident involving drugs in a school or on school owned or leased property, the administrator or his or her designee, or appropriate administrative officer for the private school, shall report all such drug-related incidents occurring in HHCA or on school property to the local law enforcement authorities immediately and to the Department of State Police in a form, manner, and frequency prescribed by the Department of State Police.
Reporting Firearms incidents at HHCA. Upon receipt of any written, electronic, or verbal report from any school personnel regarding a verified incident involving a firearm in a school or on school owned or leased property, the administrator or his or her designee shall report all such firearm-related incidents occurring in the school or on school property to the local law enforcement authorities immediately and to the Department of State Police in a form, manner, and frequency as prescribed by the Department of State Police.
Reporting firearms in schools. Upon receipt of any written, electronic, or verbal report from any school personnel regarding a verified incident involving a firearm in a school or on school owned or leased property, the administrator or his or her designee shall report all such firearm-related incidents occurring in school or on school property to the local law enforcement authorities no later than 24 hours after the occurrence of the incident and to the Department of State Police in a form, manner, and frequency as prescribed by the Department of State Police.
Battery, Attacks on school personnel at HHCA. Upon receipt of a written complaint from any school personnel, the superintendent, or other appropriate administrative officer for a private school, shall report all incidents of battery committed against teachers, teacher personnel, administrative personnel or educational support personnel to the local law enforcement authorities immediately after the occurrence of the attack and to the Department of State Police’s Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program no later than 3 days after the occurrence of the attack.
Accessing the School Incident Reporting System The School Incident Reporting System (SIRS) is available on the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) website. From the ISBE home page, select ‘IWAS’. This will take you to the IWAS Training page. Enter your user ID and password and select
About the School Incident Reporting System Illinois Compiled Statutes mandate that certain types of incidents (drugs, weapons, and attacks on school personnel) occurring in or on school property be reported to local law enforcement authorities and the Illinois State Police (ISP) within one to three days of the occurrence of the incident. In order to satisfy the reporting of incidents to the ISP requirement, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), in conjunction with the ISP, have created the School Incident Reporting System (SIRS). The SIRS is a web-based application used by schools to report incidents electronically. This does not satisfy the requirement to report incidents to local law enforcement authorities.
Grey knee length skirts or Grey jumpers must be no shorter than two inches above the knee. Grey pants (see uniform book) denim not acceptable. Girls must wear belts (no baggy or tight pants) so pants fit properly at the waist.
Purple polo shirt with logo
White blouse with logo/with grey neck tie
Shoes must be neutral color (preferable black) and to be worn with socks, tights or nylon
No open toed shoes, sandals or flip flops
Hair must be maintained and groomed appropriate for school and not cause distraction or undue attention. Any letters, symbols, or designs cuts into the hair are unacceptable. No hats, bandanas, scarves, or sunglasses.
Grey pants (see uniform book) denim not acceptable.
Boys must wear belts (no baggy or tight pants) so pants fit properly at the waist.
Shoes must be neutral (preferable black) and to be worn with socks. No open toed shoes, sandals or flip flops.
Hair must be maintained and groomed appropriate for school and not cause distraction or undue attention. Any letters, symbols, or designs cuts in the hair are unacceptable. No hats, bandanas, scarfs, sunglasses or ear rings.
Only School Grey sweaters (approved with logo) may be worn over a school shirt or school polo (see uniform book). Any other sweater colors, white, blue, black etc., is unacceptable.
Note: All items worn or brought to should be compatible with the ideals of a Christian school. Lunch boxes, school supplies and videos depicting drugs, alcohol, Harry Potter, etc., are not acceptable. No male ear piercing allowed.
The dress code is to be observed each day during the school year, including chapel, all school programs, field trips etc., unless the school has informed the parents otherwise. The school reserves the right to make final decisions on all dress code matters including clothing and hair. If the student is not within the dress code, he/she may be asked to remain in the office until appropriate clothing is brought to school or sent home.
Late charges will be assessed for children not picked up by 3:10 p.m. starting at $25 for every 15 minute increments according to our clock. If your child is still at 5 p.m., the Cook County Police may be called to pick up your child.
Each class will take educational field trips at least twice during the school year. A permission slip will be sent home and the needed money should be returned by the deadline. Refunds will not be given if a child is absent, suspended, or expelled on the day of the field. There will be no refunds for chaperones if they cancel. Parent chaperones are accepted on a “First Paid” basis.
We conduct fire and tornado drills on a regular basis.
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by assigning points to grades. The points are totaled and divided by the number of subjects being graded.
All students will begin the year with a 4.0 GPA.
A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 points, F = 0 points
100 - 90 A
89- 80 B
79- 70 C
69- 60 D
Below 59 F
High Honor Roll, Honor Roll and Certificates of Scholar Award will be given quarterly to students with the following GPA:
K - 6th
Honor Roll: 3.0 - 3.49 GPA
High Honor Roll: 3.5 - 3.99 GPA
Scholar Award: 4.0 GPA
Eighth Grade Graduation Requirements:
In order to recognize successful completion of elementary/middle school education, the Governing Board shall confer diplomas of graduation from elementary/middle school and from special day classes. The Board shall certify to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that their policy provides students with the skills necessary to pursue the required high school curriculum. As directed by the board certification for this policy shall be submitted at the same time as apportionment reports. Diplomas shall be awarded only to students who have completed the course of study prescribed by law and Higher Heights Christian Academy. In addition, students shall meet all requirements for promotion based on grades, assessments or other indicators as specified in Board policy and administrative regulation. In order to receive a diploma from Higher Heights Christian Academy, an eighth grade student must meet the following requirements upon completion of the Eighth Grade:
The criterion for participation in the ceremony is as follows:
It shall be the responsibility of the Principal/Administration to notify parents by letter of the student’s non-grad status and arrange for a parent conference. A written record of the conference shall be placed in the student’s confidential file. Students officially identified as Special Education students or English Learners at the beginning or early intermediate level may have differential graduation and competency standards applied.
The valedictorian for 8th Grade graduation is the student with the highest GPA, calculated to 0.01 places, for the 7th and 8th grade years. The student must have attended Higher Heights Christian Academy for both the 7th and 8th grade years. In the case of a tie, all students with
the same highest GPA shall share the title of the Valedictorian. If the second place student(s) is within 0.05 grade points of the Valedictorian, then the second place student(s) shall be recognized as the Salutatorian. If the difference between the first and second place students’ GPA is greater than 0.05 then no Salutatorian shall be honored. The GPA shall be calculated on a 4-point scale for the core academic subjects only. (Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Science). PE and elective grades shall not be considered.
Believing homework is an integral part of the school program, each teacher is free to give homework to help students advance in their studies. Therefore, all students are required to complete all of their daily homework assignments. We expect the parents to fully cooperate in seeing that assignments are completed on time. Repeated, delinquent homework will result in a negative impact on their final grades..
Lunch and snacks must be provided by parents. It is self carry, students bring their own lunch. It must come ready to eat, there are no microwaves available.
The school does not participate in any lunch programs at this time.
In compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health, a doctor’s written authorization is required for all medicine, whether over-the-counter (including cough drops) or prescription, before administration. The office must have a signed MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM completed by the doctor. We will not administer any medication to a student without this completed form. If your child has a fever (99 degrees or higher), cold, upset stomach, any physical stress, rash, eye infection, head lice, ringworm, etc., HE/SHE MUST BE KEPT HOME FROM SCHOOL. If your child comes to school with any of these, he/she will be sent home. In the event of a communicable disease such as chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc., it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the office as soon as the disease has been diagnosed. Children must remain home until the disease has run its full and complete course. Your child’s temperature must be 99 degrees or lower for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before he/she can return school. A doctor’s note is required to return to school after 3 or more consecutive days of absence due to illness. Please notify the school office by 9:00 a.m., if your child will not be in attendance for that day. If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you to pick up your child. It is your responsibility, at this point, to either come to school or make other necessary arrangements for the pickup of your child. This should be done in a reasonable amount of time. If you cannot be reached, the office will begin calling the listed emergency contact persons. PLEASE KEEP THESE NAMES AND NUMBERS CURRENT! No care beyond first aid (defined as immediate, temporary care given in case of accident or sudden illness) will be given by school personnel. Should a medical emergency arise, the South Chicago Heights Paramedics will be contacted. This action could involve your child being transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. The parent will be financially responsible for the ambulance and any emergency room procedures.
Administering Medicine to Students
Students should not take medication during school hours or during school-related activities unless it is necessary for a student’s health and well-being. When a students’ licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours or school related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child
with a completed and signed School Medication Authorization Form.
Self administration/self carry
HHCA allows the Self-Administration and/or self-carry of asthma/diabetes seizure medication and epinephrine injectors upon receipt of the necessary documents/ completed and signed SMA form.
The school shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from a student’s self-administration of medication. A student’s parent/guardian must indemnify and hold harmless the school and its employees and agents, against any claims arising out of a student’s self-administration of medication.
Parents must review and sign “Release and Waiver of Liability.”
Student Prescriptions
HHCA will have on file:
Administration of Medical Cannabis
The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act allows a medical cannabis infused product to be administered to a student by a
Discipline of a student for being administered a product by a designated caregiver, school admin, or who self-administers a product under the direct supervision of a school nurse or admin pursuant to this policy is prohibited. The school may not deny a student attendance solely because he or she requires administration of the product during school hours.
We welcome and encourage good communication among parents, administrators, and teachers. Please feel free to consult with the school administration regarding any problems or questions that concern your child. Conferences with the teacher should be made by appointment. Usually, 3:20 p.m. is the best time to meet with a teacher. Please do not ask a teacher to meet with you in the evening hours. Mandatory conferences will be held during the day on scheduled dates. There is no school on this day and children are not to attend the conference.
Student Support Services
Students' needs for support services such as counseling and social work are evaluated when school staff believe consideration is needed, such as when there are changes in the student body or stresses with the surrounding community are provided first by Pastor LaDell Jones or First Lady Adelia Jones. In the event, further help is needed or more review of the situation is needed, we will initiate a request for the Problem Solving Team of our local LEA to conduct a student review.
Physical examinations are required for admission into
Immunizations are required to be on file and up to date. Birth certificates must be on file in the office.
Students will be excluded
from school by October 15th if requirements for health examinations and immunizations have not been met.
Report cards will be distributed quarterly.
As a Christian organization, we desire to maintain a student body of high Christian character. We expect all students to follow certain guidelines of proper Christian behavior. We expect parents to help us enforce the following guidelines concerning student conduct:
Students have from 7:55 a.m to 8:00 a.m. to be in their class. Students are tardy if they are not in their seats and prepared for class by 8:10 a.m. (according to our clock). The teacher will keep track of all tardies.
Each set of five tardies for any reason received during any one semester will result in a one day suspension from school. A letter will be sent home stating the day of suspension. A suspension for tardiness is not cumulative. This rule is intended to emphasize the importance of being on time every day. Prompt and faithful attendance is one of the best habits a child can develop.
Higher Heights may offer Scholarships for all applicants who do not qualify for assistance through the Child Care Initiative.
Our tuition rate is aligned with CHILDCARE INITIATIVE daily full-time rate of $31.20/ a day.
We do not apply credits for childcare payments received over ($310/$340), as stated above, our tuition is aligned to childcare. However, we will work with parents on a case by case situations and waive copays to assist with ability to pay. In the event your childcare payments fail to meet the minimum tuition with a scholarship ($310/$340), you are responsible for the remaining balance.
If childcare remains with us over the summer months, all school related fees will be taken care of, but there will not be any credits applied to account. In leu of this, a partial or full tuition scholarship will be offered to students who reach age of non eligibility to receive childcare or who are unexpectedly denied childcare during their time with us. We don’t want to allow a change in circumstance leading to the ability not to pay to interrupt a student's attendance here at Higher Heights .
In the event you do not qualify for Child Care Initiative, you may qualify for the HHCA scholarship which allows you to pay the “Yearly Based Tuition with a Scholarship.”
Yearly Based Tuition w/Scholarship: AVAILABLE TO NON-CHILDCARE STUDENTS
PreK, K4, K5 $3,400
1st - 8th Grade $3,100
Tuition payments may be paid in full by September 3rd or divided into monthly increments, over a 10-month payment plan which requires payment from September to June. The tuition and fees do not include uniforms, book fees, fine arts fees, extended care, field trips, etc.
Students who transfer in later, their tuition will be prorated for the year.
Any month that your child is in attendance and misses either one or more days in that month, you are still responsible for the full month’s tuition because this is just a convenient monthly payment plan on the yearly tuition.
In the event, an entire month or months are missed due to “Acts of God,” fifty percent of the scholarship tuition will be due if HHCA continues to supply students with daily access to Abeka curriculum via E-Learning. Acts of God days are not required to be made up. However, in the event HHCA chooses to make up for a month or months missed, full tuition (the remaining fifty percent) will be due.
The monthly tuition payment plan is due on the first of each month. After the 5th of the month, regardless of what day this date occurs, students will be held out of class until the balance is paid in full and a $20 late fee will be assessed to the account.
If a parent is awaiting childcare approval you
may be asked to pay a $150 (temporary placement fee) until approval has been received. If you receive approval for the days you paid the temporary fee, the $150 will be
applied to your account.
In the event of inclement weather, we will contact you the night before or by 5 a.m. that morning to notify you of any closings.
Policies in this handbook are subject to revisions or changes at the discretion of the Administration.
We acknowledge that we have received and read the entire copy of the Higher Heights C.A.S.F.A. Handbook, and we agree to follow the guidelines and policies set forth in the handbook.
Date ____________________________________________________
Student Name _________________________________________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________________________________
Please sign and return this page to your child’s teacher by September 7, 2018.
The mission of Higher Heights Christian Academy School of Fine Arts is to train students in the
Christian way of life, and give a sound academic foundation that is challenging with an emphasis on
character training and training in the “Fine Arts” at a progressive pace. Higher Heights will achieve its
mission by displaying and evangelizing Christ in word and deed in every area of their educational
experience; by offering a curriculum that lays and builds on a sound academic foundation; and by
providing skilled instruction in the fine arts on different levels from discovery to skilled.
About Our Curriculum
Curriculum Goals By Grade Level
Grade Book & Parent Portal
Contact Information
1628 Drexel Ave.
Ford Heights, IL 60411
phone:(708) 898-2001