Well, if you are reading this, that means you have made it into another year. Happy New Year! Some of you brought in the new year in church, some at home with your family, and some brought it in at a party. However you brought this year in, it was nobody but God that allowed you to see it.
As a cliche`, some people say, “I thank God for allowing me to see another year because everybody didn’t make it.” That statement, no matter how over used, became my reality on New Year’s Eve. My Grandfather didn’t live to see another year. He breathed his last breath before being able to see 2018. So, “Yes!” Thanking God for allowing me to see another year is so sincerely spoken from my heart. We are not promised tomorrow, but if you know and believe on Jesus as your personal Saviour, we also know that that last breath isn’t our ultimate end, but our transition to be with the Lord!
God has given me an awesome task to speak from the heart and from His Word on this weakly blog. I told God, “ I don’t know what to say and I’m not even sure if people want to listen.” He clearly told me, "I will speak through you, I am sufficient.”
So, we are in our new year. When I woke up this morning, I began to thank God and just think about what a new year really mean to me without all the noise of others and just saying the right words that fit the season. I thought to myself, It’s January 1, 2018 and I’m in my same bed, laying next to my same husband, looking around my same house, in my same body, faced with the same situations, same bills, same responsibilities, same job... well you get the picture. It’s a new year, but nothing really has changed.
The change has to happen in your mind first, or in your spirit if you’re not born again. It’s not that all the physical things and situations around you are going to change in a moment, but it’s when you put these things in perspective in accordance to the Word of God and in the renewing of your mind, is when change will ultimately happen. Other than that, you will find yourself at the end 2018 repeating the same formalities in the same place spiritually, mentally and physically.
Don’t approach this year without God directing your path. Proverbs 16:2-3 says "All the ways of a man are clean and innocent in his own eyes (and he may see nothing wrong with his actions), But the Lord weighs and examines the motives and intents (of the heart and knows the truth). Commit your works to the Lord (submit and trust them to Him), And your plans will succeed (if you respond to His will and guidance)." So, I encourage you to commit your way to the Lord and allow Him to guide you and He will make your way succeed. That scriptures simply means, tell God all about your plans, your goals, your desires, and so on. But give them to Him and allow Him to be the captain of your ship. I recommend literally writing them down and lifting them up to Lord and say “Lord I commit my plans to you.” Now place that list somewhere you can see it daily and surrender your way and will to God to work it the way He sees fit. Yes, it may mean some things might come before the other; somethings might not come at all; and some things might happen immediately; but the important part is that, however it happens, it’s God’s way... because you committed it to Him. Now, once you present your list to God, you work that list, but the only difference is, you're letting the Spirit of God lead you. New job and making more money might be on your list. You have to get up an look, redo resumes, network, but during the process, you're listening to the Holy Spirit for the “yellow light,” or “ red light” or the “green light!” Faith without works is dead, so work it!
Next post: Thursday, January, 11, 2018
P.S. Please feel free to leave your encouraging words, comments, testimonies, etc.